Personal Computer World 2006 May
Songbird 0.1
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452 lines
// This file is part of the Songbird web player.
// Copyright⌐ 2006 Pioneers of the Inevitable LLC
// http://songbirdnest.com
// This file may be licensed under the terms of of the
// GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ôGPLö).
// Software distributed under the License is distributed
// on an ôAS ISö basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either
// express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language
// governing rights and limitations.
// You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this
// program. If not, go to http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
// or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
// 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
var thePlayerRepeater = null;
function CNullStub()
// alert( "ERROR: someone called the nullstub." );
function onPlaybackEventStub( key, value )
// Doesn't do anything, just a stub.
// Player Repeater
// The player repeater object is a single global thunk layer between the player remotes and the embedded playback cores.
function CPlayerRepeater()
// Hook it up
var jsLoader = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader);
jsLoader.loadSubScript( "chrome://rmp_demo/content/songbird_interfaces.js", null );
jsLoader.loadSubScript( "chrome://rmp_demo/content/sbIDataRemote.js", null );
// First we need our internal API, originally stubbed to NULL
this.doPlayImmediate_i = CNullStub;
this.doPlay_i = CNullStub;
this.doPause_i = CNullStub;
this.doStop_i = CNullStub;
this.doNext_i = CNullStub;
this.doPrev_i = CNullStub;
this.isPlaying_i = CNullStub;
this.isPaused_i = CNullStub;
this.getLength_i = CNullStub;
this.getPosition_i = CNullStub;
this.setPosition_i = CNullStub;
this.getVolume_i = CNullStub;
this.setVolume_i = CNullStub;
this.getMute_i = CNullStub;
this.setMute_i = CNullStub;
this.getMetadata_i = CNullStub;
this.getURLMetadata_i = CNullStub;
// Then we declare our external API, which encodes the function call through the dataremote.
this.doPlayImmediate = function doPlayImmediate( url )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.doPlayImmediate.url", url );
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.doPlayImmediate" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.doPlay = function doPlay()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.doPlay" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.doPause = function doPause()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.doPause" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.doStop = function doStop()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.doStop" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.doNext = function doNext()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.doNext" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.doPrev = function doPrev()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.doPrev" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.isPlaying = function isPlaying()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.isPlaying" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" ) != 0;
this.isPaused = function isPaused()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.isPaused" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" ) != 0;
this.getLength = function getLength()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.getLength" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.getPosition = function getPosition()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.getPosition" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.setPosition = function setPosition( pos )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.setPosition.pos", pos );
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.setPosition" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.getVolume = function getVolume()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.getVolume" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.setVolume = function setVolume( vol )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.setVolume.vol", vol );
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.setVolume" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.getMute = function getMute()
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.getMute" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" ) != 0;
this.setMute = function setMute( mute )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.setMute.mute", mute );
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.setMute" );
return SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.getMetadata = function getMetadata( key )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getMetadata.key", key );
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.getMetadata" );
return SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval" );
this.getURLMetadata = function getURLMetadata( url, keys )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata.url", url );
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata.keys.length", keys.length );
for ( var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++ )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata.keys." + i, keys[ i ] );
SBDataFireEvent( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata" );
var num = SBDataGetIntValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval.length" );
var retval = new Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < num; i++ )
retval.push( SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval." + i ) );
return retval;
// Then specify the middle callback API that pumps the calls to the inner API
this.cb_doPlayImmediate = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
var url = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.doPlayImmediate.url" );
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.doPlayImmediate_i( url ) );
this.cb_doPlay = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.doPlay_i() );
this.cb_doPause = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.doPause_i() );
this.cb_doStop = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.doStop_i() );
this.cb_doNext = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.doNext_i() );
this.cb_doPrev = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.doPrev_i() );
this.cb_isPlaying = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.isPlaying_i() );
this.cb_isPaused = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.isPaused_i() );
this.cb_getLength = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.getLength_i() );
this.cb_getPosition = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.getPosition_i() );
this.cb_setPosition = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
var pos = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.setPosition.pos" );
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.setPosition_i( pos ) );
this.cb_getVolume = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.getVolume_i() );
this.cb_setVolume = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
var vol = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.setVolume.vol" );
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.setVolume_i( vol ) );
this.cb_getMute = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.getMute_i() );
this.cb_setMute = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
var mute = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.setMute.mute" );
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.setMute_i( mute ) );
this.cb_getMetadata = function()
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
var key = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getMetadata.key" );
return SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval", thePlayerRepeater.getMetadata_i( key ) );
this.cb_getURLMetadata = function( url, keys )
if ( !thePlayerRepeater || thePlayerRepeater.binding ) return;
var url = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata.url" );
var num = SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata.keys.length" );
var keys = new Array();
for ( var i = 0; i < num; i++ )
keys.push( SBDataGetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata.keys." + i ) );
var values = thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata_i( url, keys );
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval.length", values.length );
for ( var i = 0; i < values.length; i++ )
SBDataSetValue( "thePlayerRepeater.retval." + i, values[ i ] );
// Then bind the callback API into a set of dataremotes
this.remotes = new Array();
this.bind = function( func, key )
var remote = new sbIDataRemote( key );
remote.BindCallbackFunction( func );
this.remotes.push( remote );
this.unbind = function()
for ( var i in this.remotes )
this.remotes[ i ].Unbind();
// setPlaybackCore maps the function refs from the passed core into the internal API refs
this.setPlaybackCore = function setPlaybackCore( core )
// Inform the current core that it is going away.
if ( typeof( thePlayerRepeater.m_CurrentCore ) != 'undefined' )
// Copy this core in.
this.m_CurrentCore = core;
this.doPlayImmediate_i = core.doPlayImmediate;
this.doPlay_i = core.doPlay;
this.doPause_i = core.doPause;
this.doStop_i = core.doStop;
this.doNext_i = core.doNext;
this.doPrev_i = core.doPrev;
this.isPlaying_i = core.isPlaying;
this.isPaused_i = core.isPaused;
this.getLength_i = core.getLength;
this.getPosition_i = core.getPosition;
this.setPosition_i = core.setPosition;
this.getVolume_i = core.getVolume;
this.setVolume_i = core.setVolume;
this.getMute_i = core.getMute;
this.setMute_i = core.setMute;
this.getMetadata_i = core.getMetadata;
this.getURLMetadata_i = core.getURLMetadata;
this.binding = true;
if ( this.remotes.length == 0 )
this.bind( this.cb_doPlayImmediate, "thePlayerRepeater.doPlayImmediate" );
this.bind( this.cb_doPlay, "thePlayerRepeater.doPlay" );
this.bind( this.cb_doPause, "thePlayerRepeater.doPause" );
this.bind( this.cb_doStop, "thePlayerRepeater.doStop" );
this.bind( this.cb_doNext, "thePlayerRepeater.doNext" );
this.bind( this.cb_doPrev, "thePlayerRepeater.doPrev" );
this.bind( this.cb_isPlaying, "thePlayerRepeater.isPlaying" );
this.bind( this.cb_isPaused, "thePlayerRepeater.isPaused" );
this.bind( this.cb_getLength, "thePlayerRepeater.getLength" );
this.bind( this.cb_getPosition, "thePlayerRepeater.getPosition" );
this.bind( this.cb_setPosition, "thePlayerRepeater.setPosition" );
this.bind( this.cb_getVolume, "thePlayerRepeater.getVolume" );
this.bind( this.cb_setVolume, "thePlayerRepeater.setVolume" );
this.bind( this.cb_getMute, "thePlayerRepeater.getMute" );
this.bind( this.cb_setMute, "thePlayerRepeater.setMute" );
this.bind( this.cb_getMetadata, "thePlayerRepeater.getMetadata" );
this.bind( this.cb_getURLMetadata, "thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata" );
this.binding = false;
// We need an array of player instances, to route the onPlaybackEvent call.
this.m_RemotesArray = new Array();
// Here's the functions for putting remotes into and out of the array.
this.registerRemote = function registerRemote( remote )
this.m_RemotesArray[ this.m_RemotesArray.length ] = remote;
this.deregisterRemote = function deregisterRemote( remote )
for ( var i in this.m_RemotesArray )
// Find it
if ( this.m_RemotesArray[ i ] == remote )
// Inform it that it got killed
this.m_RemotesArray[ i ].onPlaybackEvent( "shutdown", 1 );
// And cut it
this.m_RemotesArray.splice( i, 1 );
// And, lastly the callback repeater
this.onPlaybackEvent = function onPlaybackEvent( key, value )
for ( var i = 0; i < this.m_RemotesArray.length; i++ )
this.m_RemotesArray[ i ].onPlaybackEvent( key, value );
// Woo, then we instantiate the global instance of the repeater
// (Don't touch the global instance, tho, just instantiate your own CPlayerRemote)
thePlayerRepeater = new CPlayerRepeater();
// Player Remote
function CPlayerRemote( onPlaybackEventHandler )
// The user code should specify an event handler. If not, it gets the stub.
// Yay for the magic "OR" operator that does something completely different than you'd expect
// (if the first operand is NULL, assign the second)
this.onPlaybackEvent = onPlaybackEventHandler || onPlaybackEventStub;
// All the methods on the remote simply call the methods on the singleton.
this.doPlayImmediate = thePlayerRepeater.doPlayImmediate;
this.doPlay = thePlayerRepeater.doPlay;
this.doPause = thePlayerRepeater.doPause;
this.doStop = thePlayerRepeater.doStop;
this.doNext = thePlayerRepeater.doNext;
this.doPrev = thePlayerRepeater.doPrev;
this.isPlaying = thePlayerRepeater.isPlaying;
this.isPaused = thePlayerRepeater.isPaused;
this.getLength = thePlayerRepeater.getLength;
this.getPosition = thePlayerRepeater.getPosition;
this.setPosition = thePlayerRepeater.setPosition;
this.getVolume = thePlayerRepeater.getVolume;
this.setVolume = thePlayerRepeater.setVolume;
this.getMute = thePlayerRepeater.getMute;
this.setMute = thePlayerRepeater.setMute;
this.getMetadata = thePlayerRepeater.getMetadata;
this.getURLMetadata = thePlayerRepeater.getURLMetadata;
// Make the explicit destruct method (hooray for pissy javascript!)
this.destruct = function destruct()
// When we are (explicitly!) destructificated, remove ourselves
thePlayerRepeater.deregisterRemote( this );
// Lastly register our remote with the repeater
thePlayerRepeater.registerRemote( this );
var UNDEFINED = 0;
var STOPPED = 1
var PAUSED = 2;
var PLAYING = 3
var BUFFERING = 6;
var WAITING = 7;
var ENDED = 8
var READY = 10
catch ( err )
var text = "\r\n";
for ( var i in err )
text += err[ i ] + "\r\n";
alert( "player_repeater.js - init - " + err + text );